ADN Programs in Maine

Maine has numerous schools that offer Associate Degrees in Nursing (ADN) programs. This article lists some of the best of these schools.
Find ADN Programs in Maine

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average salary for registered nurses (RNs) working in Maine is $71,040 per year!

While there are a few routes you can choose to take to become an RN in Maine, the quickest path is to complete a two-year associate degree in nursing, or ADN, program. These programs prepare students for entry-level registered nursing positions by concentrating on the skills needed in various clinical settings. And the best thing about obtaining an ADN is that after you have obtained a certain amount of experience working as an RN, you will be eligible to further your career by enrolling in one of Maine's many great bridge programs!

Of course, before ADN graduates can obtain RN positions in Maine, they will need to submit to a standard background check, obtain CPR certification, and pass their national licensing exam for RNS.

The Best ADN Programs in Maine

Maine is home to several exceptional schools that offer accredited ADN programs. Some of the best of such facilities include:

  1. Central Maine Community College

    1250 Turner St, Auburn, ME 04210 (207) 755-5100
  2. Eastern Maine Community College

    354 Hogan Rd, Bangor, ME 04401 (207) 974-4600
  3. Kennebec Valley Community College

    92 Western Ave, Fairfield, ME 04937 (207) 453-5000
  4. Maine College of Health Professions

    70 Middle St, Lewiston, ME 04240 (207) 795-2840
  5. Northern Maine Community College

    33 Edgemont Dr, Presque Isle, ME 04769 (207) 768-2700
  6. Southern Maine Community College

    2 Fort Rd, South Portland, ME 04106 (207) 741-5500
  7. University of Maine

    168 College Ave, Orono, ME 04473 (207) 581-1110
  8. University of Maine at Augusta

    46 University Dr, Augusta, ME 04330 (207) 621-3000
  9. University of New England

    716 Stevens Ave, Portland, ME 04103 (207) 283-0171

Maine State Board of Nursing

For questions about nursing programs and licensure in Maine, contact the Maine State Board of Nursing.

Maine State Board of Nursing
161 Capitol St, Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: (207) 287-1133
Fax: (207) 287-1149


This article presents a selection of the top schools in Maine that offer ADN programs.

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