ADN Programs in Vermont

Vermont has many schools that offer Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) programs. This article lists some of these reputable institutions in the state.
Find ADN Programs in Vermont

Beginning a new career in Vermont can be very exciting, but it can also seem quite overwhelming, considering the training you will need to acquire. However, if you have been thinking about becoming a registered nurse (RN), you will be happy to know that you can begin this career in just a couple of years. In fact, associate degree in nursing, or ADN, programs in Vermont, and in other states, are the fastest routes to careers as RNs. RNs in Vermont make an average salary of $72,140 per year, so you too can expect to earn around this figure.

As an ADN student in Vermont, like in other states, you will be required to complete an intensive curriculum that can basically be split up into three types of studies: classroom, laboratory, and clinical. Depending on the school you choose for your training, your clinical instruction will either take place in a local medical facility or in the school itself.

To be eligible for employment as an RN in Vermont, you must earn at least an ADN, submit to a basic criminal background check, obtain CPR certification, and pass the two-part national licensing examination for RNs.

The Best ADN Programs in Vermont

Vermont is home to numerous fine schools offering accredited ADN programs, including these highly reputable schools:

  1. Castleton University

    62 Alumni Dr, Castleton, VT 05735 (802) 468-5611
  2. Vermont Technical College

    124 Admin Dr, Randolph Center, VT 05061 (802) 728-1000
  3. Vermont Technical College

    Randolph Center, Randolph, VT 05061 (802) 728-1586

Vermont State Board of Nursing

For questions about nursing programs and licensure in Vermont, contact the Vermont State Board of Nursing.

Vermont State Board of Nursing
89 Main St 3rd Floor, Montpelier, VT 05602
Phone: (802) 828-2396
Fax: (802) 828-2484


Vermont boasts a variety of excellent schools offering accredited ADN programs. This article lists some of these reputable institutions.

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